Canada Phone Books

Dialing code: +1   ·   ISO code: CAN


Reverse search (by number) directory. In French. Enter the number and the results will show where it is based (includes the street but not the name of the person), the type of number (i.e. whether cell phone or landline) and the telecom provider. If you need to know more information there is a registration required with payment on the website.

Phone Pages

Simple to use business directory. Type in the service or company you're looking for and optional location - if you leave it blank it brings up results for all of Canada. Results list shows place pins on the map and individual companies can be rated and reviewed.

White Pages

Easy to use search engine for people, businesses and reverse lookup.


National Yellow Pages and business directory browseable by category and location, plus a basic search (limited to one province at a time). Also includes US states.

Canada 411

Find people, business and reverse search telephone numbers in Canada. In French and English.


Very good Canadian business directory and reverse lookup based on your location. Modify your location from the left hand side of the screen or amend the map icon. Results are shown with a list and also numbered flags related to your location.


Canadian White Pages for people and businesses, plus business Yellow Pages.

Yellow Pages

Official Canadian Yellow Pages.


White Pages phone book for people (and businesses) in the USA and Canada. Includes reverse search, and search by address.

Ohio Area Codes

Ohio area codes are 216, 220, 234, 330, 380, 419, 440, 513, 567, 614, 740, 937.