Netherlands Antilles Phone Books

Dialing code: +599   ·   ISO code: ANT

Satel NV Phone Book

Offical phone book for businesses and people (select "residential") in Saba. If there's an error message when the page first displays, ignore it, the search still works.

Bonaire Yellow Pages

Business directory for Bonaire - list view and book views available. List view makes it easy to visit the business website if the link is available. To search for people select the Person tab in the search section on the front page and type in the surname. There are also two options for display; either as it looks in the paper phone book (book view) or a list (list view).

Info Bonaire

Business directory for Bonaire companies. Quite a short list and no search function but easy enough to scroll through to find something. Organised in alphabetical category list. If the category you want isn't on this page, try also the list on the left under Main Pages; such as accommodation or real estate to find the local numbers listed.

Saba News Online Telephone Directory

Directory of people and businesses maintained by Saba News. Invites corrections, deletions and additions from users and is searchable by alphabetical list.

Georgia Area Codes

Georgia area codes are 229, 404, 470, 478, 678, 706, 762, 770, 912.